
Annika Fabian

Annika Fabian

(0 votes)
  • Grade Level: K-5, 6-8, 9-12,
  • Subjects: English/Writing, Math, Reading, Science, Social Studies/History,
  • Specialties: Algebra 1, Algebra 2, Elementary math,
  • Education: Loyola University
  • Speaks: English
  • Hobbies: I love dancing, reading books, going for walks, concerts, and hanging out with friends!

About me

Hi!! My name is Annika and I am a current nursing student at Loyola University Chicago. I have always loved to learn and take pride in my positive attitude. I have a strong background in science, math, history, and english, but I am available for many subjects including ACT prep. I have years of experience working with students including teaching biology, swimming lessons, and dance. I am an upbeat person, and my experience has taught how to have fun while working together! I hope to inspire a passion for learning while creating a bond with any student I work with.

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Annika Fabian

(0 votes)
  • Grade Level: K-5, 6-8, 9-12,
  • Subjects: English/Writing, Math, Reading, Science, Social Studies/History,
  • Specialties: Algebra 1, Algebra 2, Elementary math,
  • Education: Loyola University
  • Speaks: English
  • Hobbies: I love dancing, reading books, going for walks, concerts, and hanging out with friends!

About me

Hi!! My name is Annika and I am a current nursing student at Loyola University Chicago. I have always loved to learn and take pride in my positive attitude. I have a strong background in science, math, history, and english, but I am available for many subjects including ACT prep. I have years of experience working with students including teaching biology, swimming lessons, and dance. I am an upbeat person, and my experience has taught how to have fun while working together! I hope to inspire a passion for learning while creating a bond with any student I work with.

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